Exclusive Oakton Deals and Offers

Unlock the true essence of Oakton—where craftsmanship and performance meet.

OaktonAO-00653-16 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 84 Μs; 500 mL

OaktonAO-00653-16 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 84 Μs; 500 mL

49,600 Fr
OaktonWD-35462-11 EcoTestr CTS Pocket Conductivity, Salinity, and TDS Meter

OaktonWD-35462-11 EcoTestr CTS Pocket Conductivity, Salinity, and TDS Meter

131,900 Fr
OaktonpH 6+ Handheld Meter Kit with Case, Solutions, and pH/ATC Probe

OaktonpH 6+ Handheld Meter Kit with Case, Solutions, and pH/ATC Probe

578,149 Fr
Cole-Parmer - Oakton EcoTestr™ pH 2+ Pocket pH Meter - Business & Scientific - LCD Screen, 0°C to 50°C / 32°F to 122°F

Cole-Parmer - Oakton EcoTestr™ pH 2+ Pocket pH Meter - Business & Scientific - LCD Screen, 0°C to 50°C / 32°F to 122°F

152,900 Fr
Oakton Buffer Pack; 500 mL of each pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01

Oakton Buffer Pack; 500 mL of each pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01

Oakton WD-35634-30 pHTestr 30 pH Tester, For Temperature

Oakton WD-35634-30 pHTestr 30 pH Tester, For Temperature

128,900 Fr
Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 S; 500 mL

Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 S; 500 mL

37,800 Fr
Oakton Electrode Cleaning Solution; 500 mL

Oakton Electrode Cleaning Solution; 500 mL

17,223 Fr
OaktonWD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

OaktonWD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

52,919 Fr
Oakton WD-05942-10 Oakton Calibration Buffer Pack, 500 mL Bottle Each of 4.01, 7.00 and 10.00 Standards

Oakton WD-05942-10 Oakton Calibration Buffer Pack, 500 mL Bottle Each of 4.01, 7.00 and 10.00 Standards

127,900 Fr
Oakton AO-35634-35 PCTSTestr 50 Waterproof Pocket pH/Cond/TDS/Salinity Tester, Premium 50 Series, Black

Oakton AO-35634-35 PCTSTestr 50 Waterproof Pocket pH/Cond/TDS/Salinity Tester, Premium 50 Series, Black

311,900 Fr
Oakton PCTSTestr™ 5 Waterproof Pocket Tester

Oakton PCTSTestr™ 5 Waterproof Pocket Tester

230,637 Fr
Oakton 35423-01 Ecotestr Ph. 2+ Pocket Ph. Meter, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length , 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length

Oakton 35423-01 Ecotestr Ph. 2+ Pocket Ph. Meter, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length , 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length

68,900 CFA
Oakton AO-00653-18 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 Μs; 500 mL

Oakton AO-00653-18 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 Μs; 500 mL

36,300 Fr
OaktonWD-35805-05 12mm Single-Junction Epoxy Body Gel-Filled pH Electrode, Standard, 0 - 14 pH Range

OaktonWD-35805-05 12mm Single-Junction Epoxy Body Gel-Filled pH Electrode, Standard, 0 - 14 pH Range

207,900 Fr
Oakton AO-00653-18 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 Μs; 500 mL

Oakton AO-00653-18 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 Μs; 500 mL

42,300 Fr
Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

118,900 Fr
OaktonAO-05942-10 Oakton Buffer Pack; 500 mL of Each pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01 (Pack of 3)

OaktonAO-05942-10 Oakton Buffer Pack; 500 mL of Each pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01 (Pack of 3)

57,900 Fr
Oakton 1189N29EA WD-05942-22 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 4.01 Standard, 1 L Capacity

Oakton 1189N29EA WD-05942-22 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 4.01 Standard, 1 L Capacity

50,507 Fr
Oakton WD-59001-65 Oakton Replacement pH Electrode for pH 5+ and pH 6+ Meters, Single-Junction, Gel, BNC Connector

Oakton WD-59001-65 Oakton Replacement pH Electrode for pH 5+ and pH 6+ Meters, Single-Junction, Gel, BNC Connector

238,236 Fr
Oakton WD-35805-05 12mm Single-Junction Epoxy Body Gel-Filled pH Electrode, Standard, 0 - 14 pH Range

Oakton WD-35805-05 12mm Single-Junction Epoxy Body Gel-Filled pH Electrode, Standard, 0 - 14 pH Range

82,900 Fr
Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 µS, 500 mL

Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 µS, 500 mL

36,400 Fr
Oakton AO-35614-30 pH 150 Waterproof Portable Meter with SJ All-in-One Electrode

Oakton AO-35614-30 pH 150 Waterproof Portable Meter with SJ All-in-One Electrode

552,900 Fr
Oakton AO-00606-10 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 Μs; 500 mL

Oakton AO-00606-10 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 Μs; 500 mL

36,100 Fr
Oakton WD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

Oakton WD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

166,900 Fr
Oakton WD-00653-47 Conductivity Standard Solution, 447 US, 1 Pint Bottle, Pints, Degree C, Liquid, (

Oakton WD-00653-47 Conductivity Standard Solution, 447 US, 1 Pint Bottle, Pints, Degree C, Liquid, (

107,900 Fr
Oakton pHoenix Electrode WD-35803-14 Fluoroborate Standard, 0.1 Molar

Oakton pHoenix Electrode WD-35803-14 Fluoroborate Standard, 0.1 Molar

22,187 Fr
Oakton AO-35634-35/ PCTS50 pH Tester (50 Series)

Oakton AO-35634-35/ PCTS50 pH Tester (50 Series)

446,900 Fr
Oakton EcoTestr CTS Pocket Conductivity, Salinity, and TDS Meter

Oakton EcoTestr CTS Pocket Conductivity, Salinity, and TDS Meter

169,900 Fr
OaktonWD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

OaktonWD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

66,900 Fr
Oakton AO-35604-00 CON 6+ Handheld Conductivity Meter with Probe

Oakton AO-35604-00 CON 6+ Handheld Conductivity Meter with Probe

559,900 Fr
Oakton WD-35710-72 External Current Sensor For TempLog Dataloggers

Oakton WD-35710-72 External Current Sensor For TempLog Dataloggers

24,884 Fr
Oakton WD-08517-30 Thermocouple Extension Cable with Mini-Connector, Type J

Oakton WD-08517-30 Thermocouple Extension Cable with Mini-Connector, Type J

81,797 Fr
OaktonAO-00653-16 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 84 Μs; 500 mL

OaktonAO-00653-16 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 84 Μs; 500 mL

29,400 Fr
Oakton DO6+ Dissolved Oxygen Meter Only

Oakton DO6+ Dissolved Oxygen Meter Only

160,900 Fr
Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

130,884 Fr
Oakton WD-05942-22 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 4.01 Standard, 1 L Capacity

Oakton WD-05942-22 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 4.01 Standard, 1 L Capacity

554,900 Fr
Oakton Electrode Storage Solution; 500 mL

Oakton Electrode Storage Solution; 500 mL

27,625 Fr
Oakton WD-08368-11 Chart Paper for 3 Speed Hygrothermograph, 0 Degree F, 1 Day Rotation

Oakton WD-08368-11 Chart Paper for 3 Speed Hygrothermograph, 0 Degree F, 1 Day Rotation

125,923 Fr
OaktonAll-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

OaktonAll-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

83,764 Fr
OaktonPC 450 Waterproof Portable Meter with Combination Probe

OaktonPC 450 Waterproof Portable Meter with Combination Probe

1,183,900 Fr
Oakton AO-00606-10 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 ÃŽÅ“s; 500 mL

Oakton AO-00606-10 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 ÃŽÅ“s; 500 mL

70,900 Fr
Oakton Replacement All-In-One pH/Temperature Probe, Single Junction and Epoxy Body

Oakton Replacement All-In-One pH/Temperature Probe, Single Junction and Epoxy Body

128,900 Fr
Oakton 35423-01 Ecotestr Ph. 2+ Pocket Ph. Meter, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length

Oakton 35423-01 Ecotestr Ph. 2+ Pocket Ph. Meter, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length

156,900 Fr
Oakton35634-18 Replacement Sensor for pHTestr 5

Oakton35634-18 Replacement Sensor for pHTestr 5

92,181 Fr


61,632 Fr
Oakton All-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

Oakton All-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

206,900 Fr
OaktonWD-35613-05 Temperature Probe for Acorn pH, Acorn Ion, pH 510, 1100, 2100

OaktonWD-35613-05 Temperature Probe for Acorn pH, Acorn Ion, pH 510, 1100, 2100

198,055 Fr
Oakton WD-35710-74 External Voltage Sensor For TempLog Dataloggers

Oakton WD-35710-74 External Voltage Sensor For TempLog Dataloggers

23,008 Fr
OaktonWD-59001-65 Oakton Replacement pH Electrode for pH 5+ and pH 6+ Meters, Single-Junction, Gel, BNC Connector

OaktonWD-59001-65 Oakton Replacement pH Electrode for pH 5+ and pH 6+ Meters, Single-Junction, Gel, BNC Connector

157,538 Fr
AP Chemistry 1: Preview for Oakton High School

AP Chemistry 1: Preview for Oakton High School

30,872 Fr
The Chipper of Oakton Villa

The Chipper of Oakton Villa

10,713 Fr
OaktonCON 6+ handheld conductivity meter with probe

OaktonCON 6+ handheld conductivity meter with probe

551,752 Fr
Screw This I'm Moving To Oakton: An Awesome Oakton Journal Notebook With Lined Interior - 110 pages - 6x9 inches

Screw This I'm Moving To Oakton: An Awesome Oakton Journal Notebook With Lined Interior - 110 pages - 6x9 inches

16,900 Fr
OaktonAO-35653-01 Oakton pH Calibration Buffer Pouches (Pack of 20)

OaktonAO-35653-01 Oakton pH Calibration Buffer Pouches (Pack of 20)

110,374 Fr
OaktonpHoenix Electrode WD-35803-02 Bromide Standard, 0.1 Molar

OaktonpHoenix Electrode WD-35803-02 Bromide Standard, 0.1 Molar

65,974 Fr
Welcome to Oakton VA: A Fun DIY Visitors Guide

Welcome to Oakton VA: A Fun DIY Visitors Guide

9,103 Fr
Oakton WD-93631-01 Instruments High-Temperature Flexible Wire Probe, Type K, -418 to 1290 Degree F (-250 to 700 Degree C) Temperature Range, 20" Length x 0.020" Diameter

Oakton WD-93631-01 Instruments High-Temperature Flexible Wire Probe, Type K, -418 to 1290 Degree F (-250 to 700 Degree C) Temperature Range, 20" Length x 0.020" Diameter

140,350 Fr
Oakton PH 550 Benchtop pH Meter Kit

Oakton PH 550 Benchtop pH Meter Kit

339,884 Fr
Oakton Conductivity Calibration Pouches, 10 µS; 20/Pk

Oakton Conductivity Calibration Pouches, 10 µS; 20/Pk

51,400 Fr
OaktonWD-08516-71 Pipe-Fitting Thermocouple Probe, Type K, -418 Degree F to 2012 Degree F Temperature Range

OaktonWD-08516-71 Pipe-Fitting Thermocouple Probe, Type K, -418 Degree F to 2012 Degree F Temperature Range

98,737 Fr
OaktonEcoTestr™ TDS1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

OaktonEcoTestr™ TDS1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

86,852 Fr
Oakton 04552-86 Oakton Mixer Chuck Keyed for Stir-Pak and Servo Dyne Mixer

Oakton 04552-86 Oakton Mixer Chuck Keyed for Stir-Pak and Servo Dyne Mixer

321,867 Fr
OaktonElectrode Storage Solution, 500 mL

OaktonElectrode Storage Solution, 500 mL

22,040 Fr
Oakton 04349-00 Oakton316 SS Lightweight Three-Blade Propeller, 3-1/2" Dia x 5/16" Bore Dia

Oakton 04349-00 Oakton316 SS Lightweight Three-Blade Propeller, 3-1/2" Dia x 5/16" Bore Dia

128,873 Fr
Oakton pH 700 Benchtop Meter with Probes and Stand

Oakton pH 700 Benchtop Meter with Probes and Stand

505,900 Fr
Oakton Wd-03316-80:Barometer W Digital Thermometer

Oakton Wd-03316-80:Barometer W Digital Thermometer

352,214 Fr
Screw This I'm Moving To Oakton: An Awesome Oakton Journal Notebook With Lined Interior - 110 pages - 6x9 inches

Screw This I'm Moving To Oakton: An Awesome Oakton Journal Notebook With Lined Interior - 110 pages - 6x9 inches

5,341 Fr
Oakton WD-35640-79 Probe Membrane Installation Tool

Oakton WD-35640-79 Probe Membrane Installation Tool

121,411 Fr
Oakton WD-35606-80 Protective Rubber Boot for Acorn Series Meters

Oakton WD-35606-80 Protective Rubber Boot for Acorn Series Meters

44,400 Fr
Chachkis and Chicken Wings: The Case of the Oakton Falls Burglar

Chachkis and Chicken Wings: The Case of the Oakton Falls Burglar

15,538 Fr
Oakton WD-08368-41 Chart Paper for 3 Speed Hygrothermograph, 0 Degree C, 7 Day Rotation

Oakton WD-08368-41 Chart Paper for 3 Speed Hygrothermograph, 0 Degree C, 7 Day Rotation

123,921 Fr
Oakton 04552-60 Oakton Propeller, Marine Style, 5/16" Bore Dia x 3" Diameter

Oakton 04552-60 Oakton Propeller, Marine Style, 5/16" Bore Dia x 3" Diameter

114,979 Fr
Oakton WD-35653-13 Conductivity/TDS Singles Calibration Pouch, 15000 microsiemens

Oakton WD-35653-13 Conductivity/TDS Singles Calibration Pouch, 15000 microsiemens

47,500 Fr
Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

219,865 Fr
Oakton AO-35653-02 Oakton pH Calibration Buffer Pouches (Pack of 20)

Oakton AO-35653-02 Oakton pH Calibration Buffer Pouches (Pack of 20)

122,900 Fr
OaktonBuffer Solution, pH 1.68, 500 mL

OaktonBuffer Solution, pH 1.68, 500 mL

16,266 Fr
Oakton WD-35653-09 Conductivity/TDS Singles Calibration Pouch, 10 microsiemens

Oakton WD-35653-09 Conductivity/TDS Singles Calibration Pouch, 10 microsiemens

459,900 Fr
Oakton All-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

Oakton All-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

407,900 Fr
Bitch, Please. I'm From Oakton: A Vulgar Adult Composition Notebook for a Native Oakton Resident - 6x9 inches

Bitch, Please. I'm From Oakton: A Vulgar Adult Composition Notebook for a Native Oakton Resident - 6x9 inches

5,315 Fr
Oakton WD-08467-24 Fiberglass-Insulated Flexible Wire Thermocouple Probe, Type K, -418 Degree F to 1300 Degree F Temperature Range

Oakton WD-08467-24 Fiberglass-Insulated Flexible Wire Thermocouple Probe, Type K, -418 Degree F to 1300 Degree F Temperature Range

78,751 Fr