Nutri-Grain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars, Made with Whole Grains, Kids Snacks, Variety Pack, 62.4oz Box (48 Bars)
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Nutri-Grain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars, Made with Whole Grains, Kids Snacks, Variety Pack, 62.4oz Box (48 Bars)

Product ID: 10997116
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Product Description Come prepared for busy mornings with Nutri-Grain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars. These delicious and convenient fruit flavored bars are a great start to any morning and help empower parents and kids to win the day. With tasty fruit flavor that kids will love, 8g of whole grains, and a good source of 8 vitamins and minerals, these bars are a balanced addition to any breakfast. Grab a strawberry, blueberry, or apple cinnamon flavored pouch for the kids to eat at home in the morning; pack a snack for the bus on the way to school. Nutri-Grain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars not only make a tasty addition to your morning, they're also a great choice when you're packing gift baskets or care packages; the delicious options are endless. With this convenient and perfectly baked bar, savvy parents and kids will feel prepared for whatever the day may bring. From the Manufacturer Since 1906, Kellogg's has provided delicious, ready-to-eat cereal to help families start their morning right. Today, Kellogg's also provides tasty, low-fat snacking options to help you and your family eat right throughout the day. Kellogg's Nutri Grain Strawberry/Apple Cinnamon includes both strawberry and apple-cinnamon cereal bars. Made with whole grain oats, each individually-wrapped bar has filling made with real fruit. They're fortified with vitamins for guilt-free snacking, plus they're low in fat! Forget about candy bars: make these fruity, healthy snack bars a part of your day.

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