Equate Diphenhydramine HCI Nighttime Sleep-Aid Caplets, 25 mg, 365 Count
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Equate Diphenhydramine HCI Nighttime Sleep-Aid Caplets, 25 mg, 365 Count

Product ID: 460398573
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If you are having trouble getting a sufficient amount of sleep at night, look no further than our non-habit forming Equate Nighttime Sleep-Aid Caplets. Nighttime sleep aids are useful for treating occasional sleeplessness and reduce the time needed to fall asleep. Taking your dosage at bedtime or as directed by a doctor, allows you to peacefully drift off to sleep. Our nighttime sleep aid has a non-habit forming formula, making it suitable for use without worry of dependency or addiction. Don't stay awake tossing and turning at night. With Equate Nighttime Sleep-Aid Caplets, you will fall into a deep slumber easily and wake up rejuvenated and refreshed every morning.Making the right health decisions can be challenging. With a complete range of products and simple solutions, Equate allows you to take care of your family with confidence. Equate Diphenhydramine HCI Nighttime Sleep-Aid Caplets, 25 mg, 365 Count: 365 nighttime sleep-aid caplets Diphenhydramine HCI 25 mg Non-habit forming Not for treating cold or flu Uses For relief of occasional sleeplessness Reduces time to fall asleep if you have difficulty falling asleep Drug Facts Active ingredient (in each caplet) - Purpose Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg - Nighttime sleep-aid

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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