Tetra TetraPond Color Flakes, Color-Enhancing Flaked Fish Food for Small Ponds
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Tetra TetraPond Color Flakes, Color-Enhancing Flaked Fish Food for Small Ponds

Product ID: 460422049
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TetraPond Pond Food Color Flakes are formulated with carotenoids for brighter, more vibrant reds and yellows in your koi and goldfish. These flakes are made with quality raw materials to ensure that ideal nutrition is packed into every flake. Nutrients and their benefits include protein with amino acids for growth and maintenance, fat as a concentrated energy source, fiber for healthy and efficient digestion, and vitamins. including stabilized Vitamin C for growth, health, and metabolism. The flakes are easily digestible to help pond water stay clean and clear. they will not cloud the water when used as directed. Feed in the spring, summer, and fall when water temperatures are above 50 degrees. Feed 1 to 2 times daily, only as much as your fish can consume within 5 minutes. This food is ideal for smaller outdoor goldfish and koi. As fish become larger, consider transitioning them to TetraPond Pond Sticks. Since 1951, Tetra has developed the world's most comprehensive body of fish food knowledge, and fishkeeping enthusiasts have looked to the brand for products and solutions that add ease and beauty to their homes. FLAKED FISH FOOD: TetraPond Pond Food Color Flakes are formulated for smaller outdoor goldfish and koi.   COLOR ENHANCING: Formulated to boost brilliant colors by bringing out the vibrant reds and yellows in your fish.   PACKED WITH NUTRIENTS: Ensures growth, maintenance, energy, efficient digestion, good metabolism, and overall health.   CLEAR-WATER FORMULA: Won't cloud water when used as directed.   USE: Feed 1 to 2 times daily when water temperatures are above 50 degrees; feed only as much as fish can consume in 5 minutes.  

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