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MOBI CONNECT Smart Monitoring System - Caregiver Alert Button, In Home Alert, SOS Button,  In-Home Caregiver Monitor, Emergency Assistance, Suit for Independent, Elderly Seniors, Handicapped, Nursery
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MOBI CONNECT Smart Monitoring System - Caregiver Alert Button, In Home Alert, SOS Button, In-Home Caregiver Monitor, Emergency Assistance, Suit for Independent, Elderly Seniors, Handicapped, Nursery

Product ID: 479626659
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The MOBI Smart Caregiver Support Monitoring System & Alert Button offers a simple and sophisticated solution for independent living for elderly parents, relatives, recovering patients, and those with special needs. Utilizing the latest technology including cameras and sensors for the entire home, our system keeps loved ones connected and safe from the comfort of their homes. With our 24/7 monitoring and easy-to-use SOS Help button, caregivers can be alerted with just one click, whether they are near or far. Part of the “MOBI Connect” growing line of Health & Wellness Collection, our system helps reduce costs, anxiety, and stress for those checking and caring for loved ones while promoting autonomy and dignity. When the Help Button is pressed, notifications can be sent instantly to caregivers, family members, or to a Professional 24/7 Monitoring Service (if subscribed). Our system is flexible and expandable, allowing for additional Alert Buttons, cameras, or smart sensors in multiple locations to adapt to changing needs. With MOBI’s free app, loved ones can be monitored and information from other “MOBI Connect” devices can be accessed all in one place. Please note that this MOBI product is not intended to replace 911 calls, diagnose, treat, mitigate, or cure any disease. Doctor & Pharmacist Recommended - Our system is trusted and recommended by medical professionals for its effectiveness and ease of use Easy-to-Setup + FREE Support - Simple to set up and we offer free support to ensure that you have the help you need   Supports “Aging in Place” - Helps individuals age in place by providing peace-of-mind for family, friends, and caregivers when they are not onsite Allows More Independence - Both caregivers and loved ones to have more independence, with the added safety of being able to call for help quickly Compact Wireless Button - The button is compact and can be carried or mounted for easy access around the house Simple Press - With a simple press of the button, alerts caregivers near or far of a need for assistance or an emergency Medical Profile - In-App medical profile helps first responders by providing them with critical health and contact information Local (free) Monitoring - Our system allows for local, free monitoring between individuals and multiple family/caregivers Affordable - An optional affordable 24/7 professional monitoring service is available Reduce Stress - Our system is designed to help caregivers reduce stress and ease the burden Customizable and Expandable - Our system can be customized and expanded with multiple buttons, cameras, and sensors for broader in-home monitoring MOBI Smart APP - Our app help monitor health with other "MOBI Connect" health devices all in one app

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

Pooja R.

The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

1 week ago

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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