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Beistle , 4 Piece Crepe Streamers, 2.5" x 30' (Red/White/Green)
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Beistle , 4 Piece Crepe Streamers, 2.5" x 30' (Red/White/Green)

Product ID: 72651255
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*** Beistle Red, White and Green Crepe Streamer *** The package contains 4 rolls of Red, white and Green Crepe streamer. Each roll measures 2.5 inches long by 30 feet wide. They are made of Crepe paper. Use the Crepe streamer to decorate for Christmas or a Fiesta party! *** Party Planning Made Fun ***From New Year’s Eve Parties, Halloween and Fall Festivities, Bachelorette Parties, Birthday Bashes, Graduation Get-Togethers, Baby Showers, Pool Parties, and more, our Novelty Items and Party Supplies are sure to add a pop of color and extra spice to any occasion.*** Celebrating life's events - one party at a time ***The Beistle line includes over 8,000 items - products for nearly any event, celebration, or theme imaginable. Since 1900 our mission has remained the same: Create products using the finest materials and to the highest standards. Our customers, products, and employees make us who we are. We are The Beistle Company!

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago